1st Conference on Psychotraumatology at the Douglas Institute & 2nd International Conference on Reconsolidation Th
الخميس، 09 نوفمبر
Trauma as a transdiagnostic issue

الوقت والموقع
09 نوفمبر 2023، 7:00 م – 10 نوفمبر 2023، 7:00 م
Montréal, 6875 Bd LaSalle, Verdun, QC H4H 1R3, Canada
نبذة عن الحدث
Why are there so few dedicated trauma care clinics in psychiatry? Could it be because trauma is a transdiagnostic issue in psychiatry? If so, what should the policy of trauma-informed care be? Join us at the Douglas Institute this fall for a discussion!
Organized jointly with McGill University, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and the non-profit RTIA (Reconsolidation Therapy International Association), this conference will welcome psychiatrists, researchers, clinicians, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, and anyone else interested in the issue of psychological trauma and its treatment.
This year’s conference theme is focused on trauma as a transdiagnostic issue. The meeting is intended as a forum for discussion and reflection on the multiple ways in which posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is treated in hospitals and private practice.
The event will also be an opportunity to raise awareness about new therapeutic approaches, including Method Brunet - Reconsolidation Therapy (MBTR), discovered at the Douglas Research Center by Professor Alain Brunet's team, and used by practitioners working with various clinical populations suffering from psychological trauma.
Register for the conference at www.reconsolidationtherapy.com
E-mail questions to conference@reconsolidationtherapy.com or call 514-761-6131 x2375